Wednesday 5 March 2008

Elvish Weddings

It’s official, mediaeval weddings are now passé, the really cool kids are having elvish weddings.

So what the hell is an elvish wedding when it’s at home I hear you cry. Well, it’s not a drunken spectacle for fans of Elvis The King, it’s dressing up like the elves from Lord of the Rings, down to fancy crowns, floaty dresses and even (but only for the most dedicated) saying your vows in elvish.

I’m all for it. Have you watched Lord of the Rings? The Elves are the really, really pretty ones, who have the best magic, the best frocks and the best castles. Why not have an elvish wedding? It guarantees a lovely wedding gown and the best wedding tiaras ever that make anyone look pretty. It also means that if you and your man want to have wedding vows that only you understand, maybe because they're a bit rude, or a bit soppy or you’re just private people, you can say them in Elvish and neither Aunty Nora nor your Mum will have a clue what you’re saying. Just make sure you get your translation from a reputable source, some really dedicated LOTR fan site or something, you don’t want to end up saying “Sod off you hobbit footed idiot” when you’re trying to express your undying love.

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