Wednesday 5 March 2008

Trash your wedding dress

Came across an article today about this new trend of trashing the wedding dress for the wedding photos. I suppose this is some kind of post-consumerist backlash against being precious about an expensive dress. Or just a fad. I dunno, but there are wedding photographers out there that are getting very excited about it. One was talking about how great it was to be able to photograph the bride wading in the sea, fully done up in her wedding gown. Another talked about the bride being thrown in a dumpster….

Arty farty stuff maybe, or maybe this is also something new for these poor wedding photographers who must be pig sick of the same old wedding photos. Bride and family, Bride and Groom, Bride having buckets of paint thrown over her in some mad trash the dress session… yeah, maybe I suddenly see the appeal. Let’s all go and trash our wedding dresses now!

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